Thursday, 29 August 2013

My Asian-European dream!

Yo wassup dude?!

I've been watching a lot of vlogs these days,and 90% of them are asian-american vlogger!
I first noticed about these vlogs from a link that my friend shared in facebook and I got seriously addicted to their channels...I just can't help myself with this.
you must be wonder why of all the awesome youtuber in youtube, I choose to get addicted only in asian-american's channel..haha!the reason is very simple!
and now I sound like a weirdo. #but who cares right?


It is always in me that I dream to be one of them one day.Not surrounded by my own race my mother tongue and on top of all I'm not eating rice for my breakfast,lunch and dinner.supper?oh ya I missed that out.You know there is a saying in Chinese where it says 外国的月亮比较圆 (wai guo de yue liang bi jia yuan,direct translate: moon in foreign country is rounder/bigger)which literally means that everything in a foreign country is always better than what we have in ours.I have no idea about the reliability of this saying tho,but I am going to be the first to raise up both my hands to agree about it regardless of what!

If your ask me why?

well,I dont know.I just like it :)
It's not that I dislike my own country and race and so on..I love them more than enough and that is definitely the treasures that I am proud of and will surely keep them with me for the rest of my life.Perhaps, I don't have enough of exposure to foreigner's lifestyle/culture and that create curiosity in me,intensely. It make me admire them even more when I don't get to experience them by myself. *sigh! how pathetic.

and here comes the to-die-for wish of mine!

I am not sure if I should hate myself for this tho, because having accent like this in me can only be a dream.Perhaps it is the mother tongue influence that I find it so hard to speak like a native speaker,well it is a common thing in my country where everyone speak Manglish which sometimes sound so unintelligible to foreigner.This is mainly because Manglish is the blending of a few languages that we speak daily including Bahasa,Mandarin,Tamil, Hokkien,Cantonese and etc. aaah!I believe environment does shape people, that is why I find it so necessary for me to go abroad.ergh!

The magnetic attraction become even stronger with just looking at all these mouth watering foods which will definitely give you a foodgasm! I've been imagine in my head that how's my life gonna be without rice, but I think rice is replaceable by a lot of things like spaghetti?bread?or just anything that filling :)
No fighting needed.I will eat 'em all XD

And yeah I've been spending quarter of my life now waiting for my first touch on 'snow'!No one can actually describe to me how cold it is until I feel it with my bare hands right? ergh!I need another pathetic sigh here.

This is my own fantasy,it may or may not becoming real.Whatever it is,I am just jotting down it here so that I will not forget that I've dreamt about this once.

till then,


Princess Evon

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Pick up methods! #part 2

HEEESSSSS! So here we are again *excited :D
For your information, this is the 2nd part of my sharing and if you have no idea about the 1st part, now go ahead check out Part 1. Don't miss out all the fun yeah!

So,I've been receiving quite a number of responses from all sort of sources and it made me come to a conclusion that the first part of my sharing was a little bit too formal or I shall say it was more on the common way of pick up a girl.
And "normal" pick up way results in "normal" I right?

And this round I am typing again because I was inspired by a video, which I will share at the end of my entry.You have my words,okay :) And also I am not writing down the title this time,because writing down title at the beginning of an entry is too mainstream :P

So,Let's skip all the talking and fast forward to the main part of my sharing aite!
Assuming that the girl that you chase after has no special feeling towards you...and you're being such a/an....

1.) Attention seeker

Well,people seek for attention in many different way, and I'm only gonna touch on a certain kind of way.There are always some guys that trying hard to do all sort of stupid things on front of the girl that they have feeling to, in order to impress them.Or "yaya" is another appropriate word to describe them.(originated from Singlish- "yaya-papaya",meaning proud of oneself).They tend to act "cool" or like a "more knowledgeable person" and they pretend that they know about everything..yeah EVERYTHING SINGLE THING.They will not give up on any chances of giving opinion, and constantly proud of themselves.That's is fishing annoying :) Come on,all you need to do is be yourself because pretending to be someone else is seriously not going to bring you any luck bro. 

2.) Unprofessional text messager
I spent some time think how should I categories these group of people,but trust me people like this do exist.I am not judging or saying that using short form and broken English while text-ing someone is bad,and even myself happen to text my friends that way.Or perhaps it does affect a little bit...... I think,haha. Imagine if there is a language barrier between you two...err...and it goes like chicken and doggie talk...I supposed you know how it gonna turn out to be.And one more thing about text-ing a girl!Don't be such a 'lameo' (a lame person) who ask lame questions like: what you had for dinner?lunch?breakfast?Have you taken you bath?are you asleep?(at 3'o clock in the morning ==)...another one is telling your own story which do not happen to entertain her at all...if she doesn't reply your text-es,STOP sending 'em~

3. Mommy boy
You know you're being such a mommy boy when every single utterances of yours start with : "MY MOM SAYS" and that's gonna create distance between you and the girl.Stop with that, we all know everyone has the best mom on earth and you just don't need to say it out aite. I have a male friend which constantly receives calls from his mom at every few hours,and he gonna be like reporting all the stuffs that he does,what he has for lunch,who he meet and so on..I seriously wonder if that is necessary.What I am trying to say is,come on grow up and be an real man.Make decision on your own,and don't just "wait..let me ask my mum about this." Are you going to date your mom or the girl?you choose.

4.) Failure 
There is always someone who do thing differently/awkwardly and I assure you everything that they do will only bring these kind of reaction..If you are not smart enough,dont show it out man!I dont mean to be mean but I am telling this because I think someone just need this piece of advice.When your stupidity overload,you just gonna die SINGLE.

Basically these are what I think and as promised here is the legendary epic video that I can't wait to share,but maybe most of you have already seen of before because this video spread like wildfire in the FB.

After watching it for repeated times,and I was trying hard to find out the mistakes/reason that he got slap with that ukulele at the end of the proposal.guess what? I FOUND NONE.And I couldn't help but to agree that women are so incomprehensible and so unpredictable sometimes.I felt pretty bad for this guy and I think he deserves better.
That is why it came to my mind that "why do guys get turn down,WHY?"

"pick up methods-FAILED EDITION" and I think that will be the title of my post this time around.It need not to be flowery and catchy,no.I am good with that. :D

Hope you enjoy reading my little sharing,and there is a 'like' button down there if you don't mind. :)

till then,


Princess Evon

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Typical pick up methods!

First of all, I would like to make myself clear that this entry is composed simply for entertainment purpose,so please do not have any hard feelings or get disturbed by my little sharing aite!

How do a guy tell you how he feels toward you?

1.text messages! (sincerity: 30%,courage: 35%)

I supposed this is the most common trick to use,or perhaps it is the easier way of doing it.Letting the girl know that you're actually admiring her through text messages.By just type it all down, ask your friend check for spelling/grammar errors, press "send" and you love letter got sent instantly!I personally vote this as the most secure way of confessing..because even if you get turn down by the girl,both of you will not appear to be very awkward because anyhow it is not a face to face conversation.Physically you are not in front of her and she doesn't get the chance to slap you on the face,feel safe? calls!(sincerity: 50%,courage: 45%,creativity:3%)

You know the guy go "abnormal" when they just call you for no specific reasons and asking all sort of "lame" questions that they don't even know why they ask.This maybe the frequent one as well,but there are some "risks",haha by saying the word "risk"..I meant this:
B:You know I've been admiring you ever since the first time I placed my eyes on you...urm...I think this is the time to say...urmm...will you be my girlfriend?
G: *slack-jawed oh!my battery is getting low,talk to you later,bye!
B: ............. T.T
3.Face to face,nose to nose confession!(sincerity: 80%,courage: 75%)

I believe most of the time a guy will not choose to do this publicly, (Most doesn't mean all okay~)well,there are always some who are the "outstanding" ones I should say..the positive side of this method is, the girl do not get to escape easily.BUT, that may be some chances that she give an  insincere kind of answer,she agree solely because she just want to avoid awkwardness between you two.So to use or not to use,you decide on your own kay :)

4.Love is action!(sincerity: 95%,courage: 80%)
Send all sort of presents with anonymous identity to keep the girl wonder.It is not a must to be in-a-box kind of present but it may be just something small that even a male friend will do it for you.For example,buy you a cup of coffee. And slowly you will notice that this guy treat you specially compared to the way he treat other female friends.Hmm..this take a lot of patience and creativity I think, and it takes time as well!But the successful rate may be higher than the other methods mentioned above. haha!

So,what do you think?Is there any other better way of expressing your love?comment and let me know if there is any aite!
Last but not least,I write all these based on my/my friend's past experience,and it's reliability is not guaranteed so,take it or leave it. :) is time to stop typing.Any extra comments/ideas are most welcomed!Do "Like" my post and be my follower,you responses is my motivation to continue writing!

Till then,

Princess Evon 

>220813 2:39am<

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Life is the discovery journey of oneself.

Today, is a good day, indeed it was.
I was haunted by this evil phrase. A phrase that gives me the urge to start typing again.I do not know where does it comes from, it just there in my mind.Mingling, dancing and jumping in front of me all the time.

well, what is the so-well-hidden thing that one have to spend the whole damn life just to figure it out?
perhaps that will be the most common answer that everyone will gives.But what is that actually?

Have you discovered yours? still discovering?or you just don't even bother to discover it?

But how do I discover myself? THROUGH THIS!
LOL..I'm just joking.that is for animals.

None of us are born with an instruction manual, telling you how to live your life and things like that.
So some of us might says that..owh!life is hard..I don't know how to go on with my life..I just want to die..bla bla bla..they just choose to give up you know. And I know that everyone experience that sometimes..especially when life gives you lemons!

so back to the topic, how can one discover his/her own self?
 1. Through experiments!

By saying that, I'm not asking you to put yourself in a laboratory and make yourself swallow all sort of colourful liquids kind of experiments!It is the test or I shall say self-checking kind of  experiment where you put yourself in different situations and see what happens next.It is like you volunteering yourself to speak on a stage, and after the particular speech you'll find the outcomes.
i. you find it enjoyable standing on a stage and performing(you can be a great speaker!) shake terribly and feel unease facing the huge crowd(overcome it by practising more!)
this is the experiment that I meant,PUT yourself in something "new" to know yourself better(what you do best and what not).

2.Through Observation

You observe the people around you.I love doing this especially in my classroom(I'm not being a stalker or pervert to check on other people)but that is the way I learn about myself. If you really settle down and watch the live movie playing around you,you'll see different people act differently at different situations.I often heard about the saying that"other people are your mirrors,they reflect your life".And it is proven valid! When you see someone has rice sticking at his face,and I'm pretty sure the first thing you do is to touch on your face checking if you have any on yours before you let them know about the rice on their face.As I said,you don't need a mirror!mirrors are everywhere!It reflects not just physically,but also mentally/characteristically.I have a friend who always get agitated over small things,and everything that s/he says are correct,you just can't correct them unless you want to get famous on his/er Facebook wall.Whenever you observed something(no matter good or bad) on other people,reflect it on yourself,ask yourself these :
"What do I feel when they do it to me?"
"am I a person like that?"
"If I'm in their shoes will I do the same?"

3.through front stabbing

Life is full will uncertainty,well, they say it is a box of chocolate.You'll never know when will you get stab from the back.ouch!that must be a lot of pain,don't worry that is not the "stab" I meant.True friends are the ones that stab you in your front!Check your friend list and find out if you have friends who dare to point out your weaknesses instead of talking bad about you at the back.If you have none please GO GET at least ONE!Let them stab you!!It sound so wrong,but sometimes we just need this kind of reminder/correction from our peers, especially when we are just too blind to see what we have and who we are.Perhaps it is in our human nature that we all constantly think that we can never go wrong.I personally prefer friends that tell me how fat, how ugly, how lazy, how bad I am because I know these people know me well and they are being truthful as a friend.The key point is,ACCEPTANCE. Accept other people's comments or advises,I believe it will shape a better you!

These are all based on my real life experience,use it at your own risk! :)
If you find it helpful,please Like my post! Thanks in advanced~

Till then,


Princess Evon