I've been watching a lot of vlogs these days,and 90% of them are asian-american vlogger!
I first noticed about these vlogs from a link that my friend shared in facebook and I got seriously addicted to their channels...I just can't help myself with this.
you must be wonder why of all the awesome youtuber in youtube, I choose to get addicted only in asian-american's channel..haha!the reason is very simple!
I'M SERIOUSLY ADMIRING THEM!and now I sound like a weirdo. #but who cares right?
It is always in me that I dream to be one of them one day.Not surrounded by my own race my mother tongue and on top of all I'm not eating rice for my breakfast,lunch and dinner.supper?oh ya I missed that out.You know there is a saying in Chinese where it says 外国的月亮比较圆 (wai guo de yue liang bi jia yuan,direct translate: moon in foreign country is rounder/bigger)which literally means that everything in a foreign country is always better than what we have in ours.I have no idea about the reliability of this saying tho,but I am going to be the first to raise up both my hands to agree about it regardless of what!
If your ask me why?
well,I dont know.I just like it :)
It's not that I dislike my own country and race and so on..I love them more than enough and that is definitely the treasures that I am proud of and will surely keep them with me for the rest of my life.Perhaps, I don't have enough of exposure to foreigner's lifestyle/culture and that create curiosity in me,intensely. It make me admire them even more when I don't get to experience them by myself. *sigh! how pathetic.
and here comes the to-die-for wish of mine!
I am not sure if I should hate myself for this tho, because having accent like this in me can only be a dream.Perhaps it is the mother tongue influence that I find it so hard to speak like a native speaker,well it is a common thing in my country where everyone speak Manglish which sometimes sound so unintelligible to foreigner.This is mainly because Manglish is the blending of a few languages that we speak daily including Bahasa,Mandarin,Tamil, Hokkien,Cantonese and etc. aaah!I believe environment does shape people, that is why I find it so necessary for me to go abroad.ergh!
The magnetic attraction become even stronger with just looking at all these mouth watering foods which will definitely give you a foodgasm! I've been imagine in my head that how's my life gonna be without rice, but I think rice is replaceable by a lot of things like spaghetti?bread?or just anything that filling :)
No fighting needed.I will eat 'em all XD
And yeah I've been spending quarter of my life now waiting for my first touch on 'snow'!No one can actually describe to me how cold it is until I feel it with my bare hands right? ergh!I need another pathetic sigh here.
This is my own fantasy,it may or may not becoming real.Whatever it is,I am just jotting down it here so that I will not forget that I've dreamt about this once.
Princess Evon