Wednesday 1 January 2014

My new year resolutions!

2013 was great, but not for me. ;(
You must be asking me why,so here's my reason.

2013 was a year where I was supposed to search for directions,and to make a lot of important life-directing decisions.Sadly speaking I am well known for being indecisive, and it is something that I hate about myself. When I am placed between two equally good options, I'll definitely go insomnia.I'll need to spend countless sleepless night to think about it and literally break down at the end of the day -,-. 360 days out of 365 days of 2013 I was feeling down with all these mind cracking problems in my mind, and without I realized I slowly became socially awkward or more introvert I should say.All in all,I am not satisfied with previous year and I hope 2014 will be a better year for me and for us :)

So here are my new year resolutions!I'll reread this next year and see how far I can go :) If you're reading this,and you feel like listing yours too go ahead don't hesitate! Let's make 2014 a more prosperous one!

Princess's 2014 resolutions

1. Achieve balance between study and play
This is what I've always wanted to achieve because I think all these years I have always been a 
'too hardworking,too stressed up' student.By saying play,I mean more outdoor activities with friends.It can be society events,community services,parties and whatsoever that is FUN!I'm so excited! :D

2.Lose some weight!
Yeapppp.....I've always been a lazy bump when it comes to exercise D; Some of the time you will see me jogging around because I love sweating but too bad I do it just for fun,because persistent is so not me..sigh!This year,let it be a year of transformation..I wanna kill more fats!!!

3.Kick laziness ass goodbye!
I have to admit this, I am a super lazy person and I am in conserving-energy mode all the time if possible.Especially when it comes to blogging,urgh I type at my grandpa's speed and believe it or not I always take more than hours to complete an entry which is super inefficient :( Not only that, doing house chores is one of the thing that I hated the most because I will be sneezing my nose off every time after cleaning due to my nose allergy.It sounds like an excuse to most of the people, including my mom so like it or not I'll still forced to do :(  Fine,I'll TRY to be a diligent this year.

4.Love more.
I don't know about you but I do think that 'love' posses a great energy,far more than one can ever imagined.I have always wanted to be like those who really shows their loves toward people around them, and shy not for the loves that they showed. Probably it is the cultures/traditions affection that most of the Asian especially Chinese found it hard to show they loves and cares to the people around them.I hate that we always think that it is really embarrassing to kiss our family members,to hug each other and to say 'I love you' to each other. :( So.I decided to ignite the fire by loving and caring for people around me more than I did previously.

5.Pick up piano!Upgrade in Ukulele!
Here's comes my life.The real life that I really enjoyed living in :) Didn't get a chance to learn piano at my younger age has always been one of my biggest regrets in life, so REALLY REALLY hope that I can get myself signed up for piano lesson this year!And of course some significant improvements in my ukulele learning journey!Let me tell you a secret!In fact, I just figured this out not long ago. :D I have decided that when I have my own house one day I will spare a room for 'my private jam room'.This may be a wishful thinking but I really looking forward to own  a complete set of musical instruments and have my jamming buddies party overnight at my house.Gosh,that's is heaven!

6.Read more good books!
I used to think that reading is something nerdy and dull, but a good book that I read proved me wrong!There's a wholesome of awesome things that we can learn from reading a book, and I am not kidding about that.I love reading inspirational novels for there hides a lot of useful life lessons that no one will ever teaches your nor tells you about it.I highly recommend 'The five people you met in heaven' by Mitch Albom  that I read last year, it really motivated me and changed my perspectives towards life.Now, I am looking forward for more exciting reading experiences!I have some books queuing up already,oh gosh I can't wait!

7.Get my journey started!
"I don't want to travel around the world,because it is boring!" said no one ever!Travel the world had always been on my To-do list since ages ago and I wish to kick off  my journey this year!By saying that,I will first get my passport ready, get a plus-sized backpack and go travel abroad whenever possible :D Hong kong? Taiwan?Aussie?UK? WHEREVER man!

Hmmm...there's a lot more to wish for..
But all in all I wish for a better year,a lovely family like it always be, good health for everyone,
and.......ehem..perhaps a partner for Valentines day's dinner package?hahahha!

I am excited to know about yours too!So, don't be shy to leave a comment down below aite! :D
Also don't forget to Like this post if you enjoyed reading :)

Happy New Year everyone!We gonna rock it! :D


Princess Evon

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